The Great Commission Offering is how we at FBC Milton collect offerings to financially support mission work across the world. One hundred percent goes to mission work. One hundred percent goes to mission work. We have two Sundays every year that we focus on this fund. However, we can donate at any point: weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.
Through our Great Commission Offering, we support mission work by contributing to: The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (North America), The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (International), Respire Haiti (food, education, and healthcare for impoverished children in Gressier, Haiti), Galena Bible Church in Galena, Alaska, and Grants (used to help church members in need and to fund mission work individual members may want to do).
In addition, our church takes up collections to support the following partner ministries: The Louisiana Baptist Children's Home, the University of Louisiana Lafayette BCM (Baptist Collegiate Ministries), and Operation Christmas Child.